Su Swanne, Realtor - GRI, CSHP, SRES
Graduate, Realtor Institute
Certified Senior Housing Professional
Senior Real Estate Specialist
Make Yourself at Home in Tucson
The Season of Light is approaching with rapid pace. It seems it was only a fews days ago we were anticipating a long weekend with family and friends for a feast. During this season I like to focus on the Winter Solstice which begins the Yuletide, as it was known to the Anglo-Saxons of Britain - it must be because of my heritage as 91% Irish, Scottish, and English! The Winter Solstice is the first day of Yuletide, with 12th Night being Wassail night, and what we’ve come to celebrate as New Year’s Eve. Based on, and borrowed from Yuletide we have Christmastide, with Christmas Day as the first day, and Epiphany on January 6 as the 12th day of Christmas. Many of our traditions of this holiday season combine elements from both celebrations. Other celebrations this time of year also focus on the theme of Light. Light makes things visible and makes things clear so we can see our way. I wish everyone the Joy of Light as we move into a new year, and maybe a new way of seeing things.
“May your heart embrace the return of the Light!”
A Word About Real Estate in Tucson
- Do you hang holiday lights on your house and shrubs, fences and trees? Did you know there are businesses that can do that for you? Check out We Hang Christmas Lights for some ideas. And if you are a true Do-It-Yourselfer, there are many websites that offer instructions on how to put lights on your house and in your yard. Just Google “hanging Christmas lights”! And if you ARE doing it yourself, try to avoid damaging anything that might need repairs later, when you get ready to sell.
- Most everyone is busy between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, and most people don’t think about buying or selling a house during this time. BUT sometimes it is necessary. Do you know of someone I should speak to who could use my help? If so, Message Me at 520-248-6297.
- Curious about this month’s Housing Report? Want to know where your house might be valued? Check it out on my website. Just enter your address and see from three perspectives what your house could be worth.
- BRAND NEW LISTING! - Six acres with large outbuildings, $95,000, near Sahuarita. Are you an artist who is looking for a studio, or a sculptor/metal worker looking for a place to create your masterpieces? Do you have a landscaping business that needs a lot of storage for tools of the trade? This property is rural, and also has income potential. Go to the Public MLS Website and enter MLS#21831907. Then Call Me!!!
A Word About Seniors
- The holidays can be a source of sadness and depression for Seniors. Visiting Angels, a home care organization, has put together a list of classic Christmas movies, TV shows, and radio shows that might brighten a Senior’s day.
- You can Be A Santa to a Senior here in Tucson. Click the link to find gift tree locations. Deadline is December 17, 2018.
- Music turns on the part of the brain responsible for memory, motor control, timing, language, and emotions. The songs of the season that are familiar to Seniors can lift their spirits. A family sing-a-long could be just the thing to bring Joy to a loved one.
- Stay tuned for an announcement about the Senior Seminars I am planning for 2019. The first phase has been initiated; details to come!
A Word About Me - Su Swanne, GRI!
A Word About Events in Tucson
- A complete list of Holiday Light displays this season can be found at Holiday Lights in Tucson 2018 - Tohono Chul Park, Tucson Botanical Gardens, Winterhaven, Lights of the World, and more !
- Through January 16, visit the Mini Time Machine Museum of Miniatures to see the miniature displays of Christmas Around the World and Throughout Time.
- For some “live” entertainment, how about the Jingle Bell Rockin’ Revue at Gaslight Music Hall! Visit TucsonTopia for times and tickets.
- If you’re a hockey fan, the Tucson Roadrunners will be back in town on December 28 for their home schedule.
“The Light Shines in the Darkness and the Darkness Has Not Overcome It.” John 1:5
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