Thursday, April 28, 2016

Haven Senior Horizons Specialized Geriatric Care

Specialized Geriatric Care

How does Haven Senior Horizons of Phoenix provide Specialized Geriatric Care services?
At Haven Senior Horizons of Phoenix geriatric unit, the focus is solely on the treatment of older adults. Haven believes that the surroundings and treatment options for older adults are very distinctive and should be treated as such. The patient care areas are designed with special lighting, wall colors, hand rails and flooring to make patients as comfortable as possible. No two patients are exactly alike, so the physicians, social workers, nurses and activity therapists work as a treatment team, in conjunction with the patient and family, to identify the best plan of care for the patient.

How common are Mental Disorders in older adults?
According to the American Psychological Association (APA), an estimated 20.4 percent of adults aged 65 and older met criteria for a mental disorder and more than 50 percent of residents have some form of cognitive impairment. The Geriatric Mental Health Foundation states that 15 to 20 percent of older adults in the United States have experienced depression. These numbers are likely to increase as baby boomers continue to age.
The aging patient is often dealing with psychiatric conditions, as well as physical symptoms from medical conditions.  Haven provides two levels of programming to treat these conditions. One level is geared for the older adult who is dealing with depression, anxiety, and symptoms that are shown to benefit from didactical therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy. The second level focuses on patients who are experiencing decreases in cognitive levels of functioning or symptoms associated with dementia and are responsive to reminiscence and sensory stimulation therapies. Patients have also been receptive to pet therapy as a therapeutic intervention to stimulate their senses.
Haven also recognizes the importance of family involvement to therapy.  Our programs encourage visitation on a regular basis, and the social work team provides regular educational topics during the week for patient families.
Decreased physical and mental capabilities, the loss of loved ones and reduced independence can mean significant changes in the lives of seniors. Haven has created this facility dedicated to providing older patients the behavioral care and treatment they need and deserve. 

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